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Good day

9 January 2004

At times like these, it's oddly easy to feel that you've had a good day. What have I done today? I've spoken to a couple of friends, on the telephone and in the flesh; I've bought a book; I've read some, watched some TV, listened to the radio, cooked dinner, had a bath. And I've written a thousand words, which in itself is enough to satisfy; and it just felt like a normal part of the day, here's me doing the thing that I do, which is always good. And now I've done my weblog also, which is another good deed in a naughty world.

For those who knew Andrea, and are in striking distance of Newcastle, we're having a memorial for her on Saturday week, the 17th. Twelve noon at the Friends' Meeting House on Archbold Terrace, and then afterwards at her house for wine and readings.

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© Chaz Brenchley 2004
Reproduced here by permission of Chaz Brenchley, who asserts his moral right to be identified as the author of this work.