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Publication, and LiveJournal

2 May 2006

It's publication day! Technically only in the States, but hey. Territoriality is frankly a thing of the past. So is the publishing industry, of course, which is why it's slow to notice and slower to adjust.

Whatever. You can buy 'Bridge of Dreams' from Amazon, wherever you are; in the States, you could support your local bookstore instead; in the UK you can buy it also from The Aust Gate and (I hope) other specialist dealers. Go on. You know you want to...

Me, I am celebrating publication day by opening a LiveJournal account, which you will find here. It's not that I don't love you here, O my loyal readers; but I will love you just as much over there, if you care to migrate with me, and there we can actually do talking. Have I spoken before, about displacement activity...? (I finished Part Two of the new book yesterday, and should be embarking on Part Three as we speak, and have spent all morning playing with LJ...)

I will be crossposting for a while, at least, so you don't have to come over there if you don't want to. J'y suis, j'y reste. For now.

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© Chaz Brenchley 2006
Reproduced here by permission of Chaz Brenchley, who asserts his moral right to be identified as the author of this work.